Saturday 11 June 2016

My Lipstick Collection

MAC Lipstick Collection & Swatches

I thought I would share with you all my MAC lipstick collection and my thoughts on all the colours.
Its not the biggest collection and a lot of them are nudes - actually, they are all nudes - , but hey, you've got to start somewhere right?

Pink Plaid | Finish - Matte

This is the perfect lipstick if you are after nude pink! I love this colour at the moment as it goes with almost everything. This is actually my sisters, but she is the loveliest and lets me use it! That's what sisters are for though right?
I feel like this lipstick would suit everyone.

Creme Cup | Finish - Creme Sheen

This is probably my go to lippy, I wear this for day wear mostly. Its goes with everything, but you can wear it with any makeup look! Its lovely as it has that creme finish so looks nice and shiny when its on.

Chatterbox | Finish - Amplified Creme

So this colour was a bit of a risky buy! I personally, don't think bright colours suit me, although a lot of people say they do! I don't actually wear this colour much, but think I should start to as it is such a beautiful summery colour!

Peach Blossom | Finish - Creme Sheen

This was the first MAC lipstick that I bought. For me it is very similar to creme cup! As you can see its been very well used, so I'm glad I have others to keep this one going a little bit longer! It is a very nude/peachy colour, so doesn't show up all that much, but it still looks lovely when applied.

Brave | Finish - Satin

Brave is one of my newest colours, and I LOVE it. It is a nudey pink, and makes your lips look amazing! I pair this up with MAC's Soar Lipliner, which is the best combo! It actually makes your lips look a lot plumper even though they aren't!
This colour also goes with pretty much everything!

Velvet Teddy | Finish - Matte

My parents brought me this back from Mexico!
I have been wanted Velvet Teddy for ages now, but whenever I went to buy it, it was sold out - annoying! - 
This colour is literally amazing! So many people have been going on and on about this colour, I now understand why! At the moment I have been wearing it on its own, but I've been told pairing it with MAC's Whirl Lipliner is a must to make it look that much better!

So, that is my lipstick collection - for now - once I have bought more I will do an updated post.
As you can see from all the photos, I have a thing for nudes. I need to start being more adventurous and trying out brighter/darker colours! 

What colours would you all recommend, and what are your favourites?
Leave comments below as I would love to give them all a try!

Speak soon,

Love Beckii


  1. Chatterbox is so pretty looking! I own one Mac lipstick but really like it :) the first photo at the top of this post with all your Mac lipsticks is really nice! Xxx

    Jasmine ||

    1. It is a gorgeous colour and I do not use it enough! Which one do you own? Thanks so much!xx


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