Eyelash Treatments
I thought it would be a good idea to chat to you all about the two different lash treatments which I offer. This time of year is when us girls want to wear as little makeup as possible, but still look pretty!
If you are interested in either Eyelash Extensions or the Lash Lift, then carry on reading for all information, tips on aftercare and the difference between each treatment.
Eyelash Extensions

How to take care of Eyelash Extensions
After application, it is important to avoid getting them wet for at least 12-24hours, including steam rooms and saunas.
Try not to rub your eyes, this includes pulling at the lashes as this can cause your natural lash to fall out, resulting in gaps.
When removing eye makeup, try using an oil free product, as oil can sometimes react with the glue causing them to fall out.
It is very important to keep your lashes clean as you do not want to get any eye infections. When in the shower, getting them wet is fine, but try to avoid having heavy flowing water fall onto the lashes.
Your therapist should provide you with a comb, which is very important to use to keep them looking fabulous!
Eyelash Extensions are ideal for special occasions, or day to day wear. They save a lot of time in the mornings, and it looks like you have makeup on even if you don't!
Lash Lift

Eyelash Extensions are ideal for special occasions, or day to day wear. They save a lot of time in the mornings, and it looks like you have makeup on even if you don't!
Lash Lift
What is a Lash Lift?
A Lash Lift is one of the most popular lash treatments at moment, due to the fact that they are maintenance free, with outstanding results! The treatment has a lot more to it than the extensions, so this will be a slightly longer and in depth explanation!
So how does it work I hear you ask!?
A silicone shield is attached to your eyelid using an adhesive - completely safe!
Adhesive is then applied to the shield, where the lashes are then pulled back onto the shield and separated into position. It is essential that all lashes are seperated and in a nice position before the lotion is applied, as this is how they will stay once the shield is removed!
Once they are all positioned, the first lotion is then put over the lashes and left on for up to 13mins. This lotion breaks down the bonds in your lashes, ready for the next lotion to be applied, which then builds the bonds back up again keeping them in the position which they are in on the shield! This stays on for around 5-6mins.
All products removed, it is now time to tint them! This enhances the finished result a lot!
Your lashes become quite porous during this treatment, so the tint takes extremely fast!
It is now time to remove the shields and reveal those gorgeous lashes!
It is very clever this treatment, as it gives the look of longer lashes even though they are all yours!
Results last 6-8weeks, you can still wear mascara if you wanted to, but you don't have to!
It is also quite nourishing for your lashes, so the more times you have it done, the better your lashes will become!
To be honest, there isn't a lot of aftercare with these, which is another reason why it is so popular.
You must avoid getting them wet for the first day of having them done, however, after the first day you can treat them how you would your own lashes!
If there is anything I have missed out and you would like to know some more information, please leave a comment below and I will be happy to answer all of your questions!
If you would like to contact me regarding either of these treatments, please head over to my 'Contact Me' page to find all my social medias where we can talk about booking you in.
Speak soon,
Love Beckii